Is Leanhaus the Architect for You? See What Our Clients Had to Say!

Is Leanhaus the Architect for You? See What Our Clients Had to Say!

Whether you’re renovating or building new, choosing which architect to work with is a major decision. There are lots of options, all with different areas of expertise, styles and (possibly most significantly) prices. That’s why we’ve decided to write a quick blog on what it’s like to work with us. And who better to tell you than our previous clients.

Renovation or New Build? – Things to consider

Renovation or New Build? – Things to consider

Here at Leanhaus, we get many requests about upgrading existing homes to a higher standard of performance. But is renovating really better than building new? Deciding which option is best for you is entirely dependent on your needs and circumstances, but there are a few things you can consider to make the decision a bit easer.