As exciting as it is, building or renovating a home is a stressful process. Not only is it a big investment of both time and money, it’s also an investment into your future. That’s why it’s important that everyone involved is working hard ensure the project runs smoothly and efficiently, and ultimately results in a home that you’re happy with.
5 reasons to choose timber framing for your next build
Choosing the right materials is an important part of every house design, but even more so for a high performance Passive House. Your framing, which provides the structure for your entire home, is especially important. That’s why we look to the ever-reliable timber. It’s been used for a very long time, and for good reason.
Rising Construction Costs – how we can keep your project on budget?
Wood Fibre Insulation and Cladding - The European Standard.
What does a Passive House cost to build?
Keeping cool without air conditioning - a guide for new homes
As the climate heats up, more and more people will be turning on the AC to keep cool. By 2050, up to two thirds of households globally will have an air conditioner, and unless the energy to power these is from sustainable sources, more and more greenhouse gas emissions will be generated which will in turn, contribute to more global warming.
But there is a way to design buildings to keep a comfortable interior environment with resorting to AC. Here are some of the strategies we deploy at Leanhaus.
Let’s Talk About SIPS
The Problem with McMansions....Why big isn't necessarily best!
What’s so wrong with new homes today?
Lean design and construction - the Leanhaus way
Lean design and construction is, according to one definition, "a production management-based project delivery system emphasising the reliable and speedy delivery of value. It challenges the generally-accepted belief that there is always a trade-off between time, cost, quality and safety." At leanhaus, we seek to apply these ideas to the design and construction of homes and small buildings to make them more affordable, durable and comfortable. Here’s how we do it.
Monitoring air quality at home
We spend 90% of our time indoors, but indoor environments are typically 5x more polluted than outdoors. Dust, mould, expired air, CO2 and contaminants from cooking all create an indoor environment that contributes to allergies, asthma and sleep disturbance. Rather than wait until suffering from health symptoms, it makes sense to monitor the air quality of your indoor environment.
Open those windows!
A common misconception about Passve Houses is that you cant ventilate them naturally by opening windows. Nothing is further from the truth. Let us explain…
Passive House is a comfort standard that seeks to maintain optimum internal comfort levels with minimum energy use. So if the external temperatures are amenable, open your windows! Let that breeze through your house and enjoy the indoor / outdoor lifestyle that Perth is famous for.