Find out what it was like to work with Leanhaus, directly from some of our most recent clients.
Climate Resilient Homes: The True Measure of Luxury
Southern California inspiration
What's a heatwave like in a Leanhaus
How to design a low-cost passive house
Tips to find the perfect block for your Leanhaus
Selecting a site to build a new Passive House standard in suburban Perth requires careful consideration of a range of factors, including walkability, site orientation and cost of the lot. By selecting a site that is highly walkable, well-oriented towards the sun, and reasonably priced, it is possible to create a highly energy-efficient building that is both sustainable and affordable.
Understanding our fees - what are you paying for with a Leanhaus design?
The Lean Architect on Youtube
Passivhaus costs and keeping your project on-budget
What is lean construction?
The 7 deadly sins of award-winning Architectural homes.
Unfortunately, the architectural homes you see published in magazines and awards programs are often a far cry from what’s practical, cost effective, energy efficient or even fit for purpose. Here are some of the most impractical design choices that can be found in these homes, and why you’ll never see them in a Leanhaus.